Friday, 12 August 2011


Plague is a zonotic disease , circulating among small rodents and their fleas caused by the Yersinea Pestis . According to the World Health Organization it is one of the oldest disease effecting human beings . There have been three world wide epidemics of this disease .

 First one is known as Justinian plague which occurred from 542-546 AD  in Europe , Asia and Africa and killed about 10 million people . The second one is known as Black Death which occurred in 16th century in Asia and Africa and killed about 5 million people . The third epidemic occurred in 18th century and stated from Canteen and Hong Kong and 30 lac people were killed in it .

It is caused by Yersinia Pestis . It originally effects wild rats . Then the disease is transmitted to fleas and then to human beings if these effected fleas bite humans . It can also be transmitted by close contact and touching the effected animals .

Initial symptoms of the disease is just like flu e.g
Body aches and pains
Nausea and vomiting
The commonest type is bubonic plague in which there is painfull swelling lymph nodes in the armpits and groins .
In pneumonic plague the lungs are badly effected along with cough and hemoptysis and there is difficulty in breathing .

Keep your environment clean so that the rats and fleas can not survive .
Uses rat killing medicines .
Where there are chances of plague rats should be screened for Yersinia Pestis  .
Eatables should be kept covered and saved from the rats .
Precautionary measures should be taken to prevent rat entery into the food storage are and picnic spots . 

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