Radiation is a form of energy which comes from a source and travels through space or any other kind of material . There are natural as as well as artificial sources of radiations . We can not eliminate radiations from our life's . We can only reduce our risk of exposure to these radiations .
Radiations have many adverse effects on the human body such as hair fall , darkening of skin and the most important is is of cancer . The best method to prevent from side effects of radiations is to minimize exposure from the radiations .
Cosmic rays which come from the sun and space
Radiations coming from earth and water
Radiations of television and mobile phones
Industrial radiations
Diagnostic radiations
Hair fall
Darkening of skin
Muscular weakness
Cancer of any part of body
Congenital abnormalities
Decrease in life expectancy
Avoid exposure to unusual radiations
Workers who are exposed to occupational radiations should use protective jackets and gloves
Proper ventilation at work place is mandatory
Try to keep mobile phones away when not in use
Pregnant women should specifically avoid radiations
You fail to mention radiation from backscatter and miliwave scanning machines at airports that give considerable skin doses. Your mention of diagnostic radiations fails to point out that medical irradiation is THE single biggest source of irradiation by a considerable margin. Sorry but this is not information, its deflection of attention from the real irradiation issues.