Friday, 27 May 2011


It is a chronic lung disease which cause inflammation and narrowing of the airways .  And the airways become swollen and sensitive and they react strongly to certain allergens .  Asthma can also be exercise induced .


Pollen allergy
Change in the weather
Fast fragrance ( soap , shampoo )

Chest tightness
Shortness of breadth
Cough with or without sputum
Difficulty in breathing

Breast feeding is protective against childhood asthma . The infant should be exclusively breastfed for 6 months to prevent asthma . Although it does not eliminate the disease but decreases its incidence upto 2 years of age
It is very important that one should identify those agents which trigger asthma attack in a patient . There are a number of allergens and irritants . It is very important to know which allergen or irritant worsens the symptoms .
Carpets , curtains and mattresses should be regularly cleaned and carpets can be avoided in case of severe disease .
Avoid working in outdoors on hot and humid days .
Avoid cigratte smoking
Keep your food and garbage in closed containers .
During pollen season , try to keep yourself indoors specially in the morning hours Stay away from dust and keep your house dirt clean .
Regular intake  of medication to prevent acute attack
Regular checkup


  1. Asthma is a condition which is far more prevalent than it once was. Rather than a disease per se, I have been much more impressed with the suggestion that it is an overactive immune response.
    Unhappily, such an idea is not popular among those whose revenue stream comes from 'treating disease.'
    Things are at such a ridiculous pass that pharma - natural plant botanicals - are neither allowed to be described for their benefits nor readily available.
    Indoor air pollution may be much more concentrated than outside air contamination and contain plastics or other exotic substances...or radon.
    Sunshine and fresh air were the traditional tonics of were mineral salt baths and cod liver oil : vitamin D supplement ). Children had much more freedom of movement and exercise.
    Is depriving them of these lifestyle choices wise or productive ? Do we even know what unusual options by today's standards might have been available in the past ?
    For instance :

  2. Thankyou so much for reading my article and giving your comments . I regard your opinion . But i have certain experiences of my own .My younger child is a severe asthmatic . When he was under one he often used to go into status asthmaticus . I personally noticed that avoiding use of carpets and outdoor dust has helped him protect alot .May be you live in a country where there is minimal dust outside but in many developing countries their is lots of dust outside . I dont suggest to restrict the child indoors but want him to avoid outdoor dusty places .
