Monday, 11 April 2011


You can only lose weight if you are motivated to do that .  Losing weight can be very easy , at the same time it can be very difficult as well . How easy ?  You just have to plan yourself .  And why difficult ?  You have to strictly stick to the your plan .
So if you want to lose weight first of all you have to take a firm decision that you want to do it . After that follow some simple rules .
Have confidence in yourself .  Most of the people think that they can not do it . But you can do it .

There are two ways to lose  weight either decrease your caloric intake or burn more calories than what you eat .  A healthy strategy should include both , but even if you adopt one of them you will get the results .
Estimate your current weight and make a target of your desired goal .

Have a sincere look on what are you currently eating . It would be difficult for you to make exact calculation of the caloric requirement , because you have to achieve your goal step by step instead of jumping onto your required target . Just avoid the food which are rich in calories like candies , chocolates , cheese , butter french fries , macaroni  e.t.c .  Similarly avoid the food with the high fat content like oil and fried food items . By gradually decreasing the consumption of these kind of food will start help achieving your goal .
Rice and whole wheat also make you gain weight . So you have to omit or atleaset reduce their intake .
So what you should take is plenty of low fibre diet , vegetables and fruits .
Drink plenty of water . Water is very important for health . Taking one glass of water half an hour before meal is extremely helpful . It helps in digestion also gets the sensation of fullness in your stomach  which will keep you away from overeating .

Exercise is actually burning calories more than what you eat . Exercise can be done in a lot of forms  . Walking is the simplest form of exercise . You can have a brisk morning or evening walk just to metabolise your extra fat . Swimming can not only burn your calories but also keep your heart healthy . Cycling is also a very good exercise which can help you lose weight .

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